Making Journal Photos

I want to make this for such a long time, but all i said was ‘later, later, and later. The time flies and I forgot. Forgot where i  put the photos, the blankbook, the embelishments, and bla, bla, bla. The main formula is to do it as soon as possible after you travelling. So you still had the feeling. Collect, edit and print the photos, find the books (i find my blank notebook from vitarlenology, she’s very talented and creative), whatever it is, plain, ruled…..glued here and there, writing comments or notes, and voila…..

I had one tin box that full of movie tickets, hotel keycards, and i collects maps, brochures, anything i found interesting to take. Wherever it is.  Sshh…my husband thought they are stashed and want to throw them away. Please no. They’re precious.

Ok, to make the journal, it wont finished in an hour, it need process that sometimes took hours to make it. But it’s worthed. Try it now, it’ll keep your memory back to your holiday and will make you smile when you open the journal.


2 Responses to “Making Journal Photos”

  1. raulrania Says:

    so sweeet budeee, ini br bikin yaa? pantesan td lama nongolnya :p

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