I Missed Her

April 17, 2014

Oh my…. i even forget when was the last time i visit this blog. And writing on it. But, i still writing…yeahhh a little. And not here. Where am I lately. Hm, i am not so good in remembering. What i did yesterday, sometime i didn’t remember, that’s why i have to keep journal on my bedside table just to write down what did i do on that day so i can remember on the day after. Two major things that happened on me lately. The first one is when me and my husband went to Mecca for the pilgrimage. In October last year. The second one is when my BFF, my partner, was passed away two months ago because of cancer. I did write about her two years ago. Luckily, we had a chance to go to Mecca together even not in the same travel agent. I visited her tent when we were on Padang Arafah. We were hugging and crying. Coming back, her condition was getting worse. She never went out from home again. She was a strong woman. She never complain about her sickness. I could see her smiling in the last time i saw her. Am sure she’s smiling now from above. 

I still missed her. 



2 days before 2013

December 30, 2012

It’s time for 2013 resolution.

Looking back for my 2012 resolution, this upcoming resolution seems nothing change a lot.

Early this year, i wrote down in my journal that:

  • i will more religious
  • i will do craft and DIY projects
  • i will take a lots of pictures
  • i will writing blog again
  • i will running and more exercise
  • i will skinnier

Yes, that’s all.

More Religious. This is hard to explain. I think my praying is not getting more or getting better from 2011. Maybe because in 2011 i got quite serious problems, so i love talking to our God. But as a human, as my problems decreased, then my prayer getting less hard. Actually, i didn’t like this happened with me. Because, getting religious is really important for me. And i have to put this number 1 list again in my 2013 resolution. And i do have to work it out.

Do Craft and DIY Projects. I like to learn something new and sewing is my favourite new thing. I learned by myself through internet and books. I bought Japanese Sewing Pattern book that is easy to follow even though i don’t understand the language. Of course there was trial and error. There was a problem that i put the back pocket in the front of the pants just because i couldn’t see the different direction between front and back. I did sewing for some give away for the baby shower (nothing more special than personal name on the new bath towel!!)

Take Pictures. Am getting attached with Instagram and falling in love with the result. I rarely use my SLR Camera, because of the size.

Writing. I tried to writing more. In the last quarter of the year, well little bit too late, i wrote some unfinished stories, or poems. Just keep writing and i will make it as a habit. Hopefully more writing for next year.

Running. Yes. I did it. Now i can run longer than before. I can manage my breath. I quitted gym last year because i felt that i was heavier than usual..haha… But working out is really important. So i exercise in my home. It boost my energy. I became more active and creative. Besides cardio, i follow the Nike Training Centre, the application that I downloaded from Apple appstore. The NTC help us to give everyday exercise, depends on our need.  Whether 2 days, 4 days or everyday in a week. I also watching the working out from Youtube. I also tried Hot Yoga. This is something new. We do Yoga sequences in 42 degree celcius room. My next target is doing Pilates next year.

Getting Skinnier. Last two weeks i got really bad flu and cough. I  lost my appetite since all of food i ate, became bitter. Then I lost my body weight. But my appetite is coming, and i ate a lot this week. A lot meant i gain my weight about 2kilos in the end of the year. Yikes. I have a target that my weight is no more than 50 kgs, but when i was going on my scale just before i wrote this post, the line is stopped at 50kilos. Ouch..warning alert.

That’s my conclusion for my this resolution. Tomorrow, I will post my next year goal. I think it’s not too different from list above. I will add some more to be more specific, maybe, like getting 45kilos on weight?? Haha..it’s too hard to realize.

3 days before 2013

December 30, 2012

i wrote this poem (haven’t translated in English yet) early this year.


Adalah seorang puteri yang sedang merenung.
Kamar yang indah dan rapi.
Dinding yang terlihat bosan dan letih.
Dengan tempat tidur, lemari dan meja tulis putih.
Puteri cantik berambut hitam legam
Kulit halus dan licin bagai pualam.
Bulu mata lebat lentik bagai imitasi
Bibir merah muda yang segar tidak pasi
Tidak ada yang dilakukannya selain merenung di tempat tidurnya.
Detik demi detik berjalan seakan merayap.
Kegalauan semakin merasuk dirinya.
Gelisah membasahi jiwanya.
Kini sekelilingnya tidak lagi putih
Setelah ia bercinta dengan sang pangeran
Berawal tiga bulan yang lalu
Kala putih berubah pelangi
Tapi sekarang pun pelangi tidak berkawan
Sang puteri terlambat kedatangan bulan
Yang putih akan menjadi kelabu
Menjadi kelam dalam bisu

4 days before 2013

December 30, 2012

(I am trying to write a long story. This is the first part)

Secangkir teh hijau sudah tersaji di meja kerjanya. Tapi ia tidak bergeming untuk mengambil cangkir dan mereguknya. Seperti biasanya is menyesap teh hangatnya dengan nikmat. Ia gundah. Ia jatuh cinta. Pada orang yang salah.

Kali ini teh hijaunya sudah dingin. Malam sudah turun. Beberapa rekan kerjanya sudah pulang. Ia memandang kosong laptopnya. Ia jatuh cinta. Pada suami sahabatnya.
Mengapa baru sekarang ia merasakan getaran itu. Di saat usia pernikahan sahabatnya menginjak sepuluh tahun. Di saat mereka mengerjakan proyek bersama. Padahal ia sudah kenal lama. Tak terhitung seringnya mereka pergi bersama. Mengapa ia baru berdegup sekarang? Ketika ia melirik jari suami sahabatnya yang memakai cincin pernikahan? 
Sebentuk cincin emas putih dengan barisan berlian kotak. Ia ingat sahabatnya memintanya untuk mengantar membeli cincin perkawinan. Dari beberapa pilihan yang ada, sahabatnya kebingungan, mana yang lebih cocok untuknya, dan dia menunjuk sebaris berlian kotak, karena menurutnya itu lebih terlihat ‘lelaki’ dibanding cincin lainnya. Mana sangka sepuluh tahun kemudian cincin itu yang membuatnya berdesir?
Minggu lalu tepatnya, ia datang ke kantor suami sahabatnya.  Sebagai seorang desainer interior, ia diminta oleh Naira mengisi kantor suaminya yang baru saja membuka cabang. Permintaan Tommy sebagai kliennya tidak banyak. Sepenuhnya diserahkan pada Lia. Tommy sudah beberapa kali melihat hasil kerja Lia, dan ia cukup antusias untuk menjadikan Lia sebagai desainer pada kantornya. Setelah ia presentasi di hadapan Tommy dan partnernya, mereka terlihat puas dengan desain Lia, hanya ada beberapa perubahan sedikit pada pemilihan furniture.
Pertemuan mereka diakhiri dengan berbincang-bincang berdua karena partner Tommy harus memimpin rapat. Tommy menunggu dijemput oleh Naira. Pada saat itulah, Lia melirik jari Tommy yang sedang mengetuk-ngetuk meja meeting. Cincin itu mengganggunya. Berkali-kali ia melirik kembali. Bagaimana bisa cincin sederhana itu membuatnya buyar konsentrasi? Tiba-tiba saja jantungnya berdetak lebih cepat. Matanya tidak bisa lama-lama memandang mata Tommy. Tiba-tiba ia gelisah. Jam terasa lama bergerak. Untungnya tak lama kemudian Naira tiba. Sahabatnya yang cantik itu, selalu ceria, datang dan mengajak Lia untuk ikutan makan malam bersama mereka. Lia menolak halus dengan alasan ia mesti ketemu klien lagi. 
“Mungkin ia ada janji kencan” Tommy menggodanya seraya mengedipkan mata.
“Haduh, ga mungkin aku ga dikasih tahu kalo dia ada kencan” Rajuk Naira.
“Iya lah, ga mungkin aku ga cerita, udah ya Nai, aku jalan lagi, makasih ya Tom, nanti aku kirim contoh-contoh yang lain ya, bye”. Langsung Lia keluar dari ruangan Tommy. Berjalan cepat ke arah mobil.
Lia langsung  pulang ke apartemennya di lantai 15. Buka kulkas. Ambil choc-chip iced cream dan duduk setelah menyalakan Moby dari ipod. Wait for Me mengalun di speaker Bosenya, menemani. Ada apa dengannya? Dia kan suami sahabatnya? Kenapa tiba-tiba  jadi begini? 
Naila adalah sahabatnya dr SMP dulu. mereka berdua bagai tidak bisa dipisahkan. Dimana ada Naila, disitu ada Lia. Mereka tumbuh dan dewasa bersama. Mereka berdua menikmati masa-masa ceria bersama. Memang berkali-kali pula mereka berselisih dan tidak berbicara selama beberapa hari. Tapi tak lama, mereka akan jalan dan tertawa bersama menghilangkan pertikaian di antara mereka. Kami berada dalam amlitudo yang sama. Sama-sama gila dalam ide, sama-sama suka berpetualang, kami tahu saat-saat kami ingin berpisah untuk menyendiri. Pendeknya, tidak ada yang memisahkan kami. 
Lulus kuliah, Naira kerja di biro advertising, dan Lia menjadi interior desainer. Akhirnya Naira memilih Tommy sebagai pasangan hidupnya, setelah Naira dilema setengah mati, memilih Tommy diantara 3 lelaki yang dipacarinya ketika itu. Sementara Lia, masih senang berkelana kesana kemari, walaupun ia sudah berpacaran lama dengan Bayu, yang akhirnya kandas juga hubungan mereka. Di usianya yang hampir 30, pertanyaan-pertanyaan ‘kapan menikah’ sudah tidak ia tanggapi. Bosan. Ia lebih memikirkan kariernya yang sedang maju. Setelah bergabung di konsultan interior terkenal selama 5 tahun, butuh nyali besar untuk mendirikan konsultan atas namanya sendiri, dan ini butuh konsentrasi penuh. 
Ah.. betapa Lia cinta ketenangan dan kesunyian. Kesendirian di tempat tinggalnya ini benar-benar mencharge energinya. Beranjak ke kamar, Lia menyalakan lilin aromaterapinya, mengisi air di bath tub, menuangkan beberapa tetes bath oil. Tidak lupa mengambil ipodnya untuk dinyalakan di kamar mandi. Dan Lia pun menikmati wangi Jasmine dari kamar mandi ditemani Waves of Kilkee.
Tiba-tiba saja bayangan Tommy berada di depan mukanya. Mendekatinya, mendekati tangannya hendak menyentuh pipinya. Lia tersentak. Bayanganpun hilang mengikuti uap air hangat dari bath tub nya. Lia tersadar. Ia tertidur beberapa menit pastinya.
Ahh, tidak, tolong Tuhan , jangan biarkan aku mngikuti perasaanku. Ini gila!! Tidak mungkin dan tidak boleh. Tommy. Suami Naila. Jangan gila, Lia. Membayangkan suami orang aja tidak boleh, apalagi suami sahabat. 
Lia sedang membereskan berkas-berkas di mejanya. ketika teleponnya berdering. Naira. 
“Non, sibuk banget sih, baca dong BBm aku.”
“Iya nai, sorry banget…mejaku berantakan abis. Sampe pusing nih cari gambar”
“Makan siang yuk besok, aku free besok. Pagi ketemu klien, aku males balik lagi ke kantor”
“Besok? aku janjian meeting di kantor Tommy sih sorenya. Boleh deh lunch dulu”
“wokeyyyyy… i’ll text the place tomorrow ya sayang…”
“Bye, Nai”
Sebenarnya untuk meeting dengan Tommy besok, Lia sudah minta tolong staff seniornya bertemu Tommy. Tapi Tommy bersikeras untuk bertemu dengan Lia langsung. Hal yang paling ingin dihindarinya sekarang-sekarang ini. Memang ia belum bertemu lagi dengan Tommy sejak malam itu, tapi komunikasi lewat email ataupun blackberry saja sudah membuatnya dag-dig-dug. Gimana kalau ketemu langsung?.

5 days before 2013

December 27, 2012


I had a meeting today with my client.  Me, as a house contractor here, will be acquainted with his architect. He’s one of the well-known architect in the city.

Before I meet, I was browsing his work (thanks to mr. google) and of course his face. Then I knew from the Facebook that he was one of my friends’ husband, and our kids went to the same school.

In a last couple month, my company was running by me, alone. My partners was on chemotherapy treatment due to her ovarium cancer, I felt like walking in one leg. Because we’re a team, we’ll do every step and direction together. Not that I couldn’t  ask her for suggestion or advise, but there’s a weak week, after the chemo injection, that make my friend uninterrupted.  I hope she can survive through her difficult time and I know It wasn’t easy. Now she’s already halfway in the 8 package chemo shooting. She’s be healthy soon.

Let’s go back to the meeting today. My schedule was on 10.00 at Mega Kuningan, which is around 40 minutes from my place. Thus I went off at 9.00. Fortunately, this week is the last week in 2012, so the city is being nice. There’s no traffic jam at all.

So I arrived at the building at 9.20. Whoa..that’s a record.

I wait in the car until 5 to 10am.  I was waiting for this meeting from one month ago. I want to meet him personally as I’m curious with this famous one. Of course I got nervous. Last month I searched about latest architecture information, thus I didn’t feel dumb if I met him. But I realize, we have to be our self. It is OK to enrichment with news and knowledge, but if I didn’t show my own personality, all the things that I learned before will became even dumber.

My client was a partner in one of the Law Consultant. I like the interior of this Law Firm office.. It was cold receptionist (was she  was in bad mood or attempted to be heartless woman?) I waited at the one of two black Barcelona chairs. The reception  area itself is in the main center of the office. Beside the receptionist, there was huge glass partition that show us the library inside. Parquets floors,  full-height-full-big-fat-books shelves on the right and left side. Adjacent to the glass partition,  there’s a big window with a sunlight, that really make the library so gorgeous. I was impressed.  The meeting room just as common meeting, the bonus is they got espresso machine inside.

My first impression with this Mr. Architect, is so-so. I mean, he’s not scary as I imagined. He asked for my business card, but when I asked him, he didn’t have it. Well, looks like famous people didn’t need to bring business card anymore, yes?

The meeting itself was OK. I mean, the client  asked me to build the house that Mr. Architect produced. So I will coordinate later with Mr. Architect, which well-known as a very detail person.  Hopefully he’s become nicer than our first meeting.

On my way to back home, my friend texted me and she invited us to have lunch in her house. And why was so special about this lunch? Because, she just came from Solo City and she brought the famous Gudeg Ceker (Chicken Feet). Of course i wouldn’t miss the offer. Whenever i visited Solo, i haven’t got a chance to try this food. Because, the stall opens in the midnight and around 5am in the morning, the chicken feet were all gone. For the info, they are using 100kgs chicken feet everynight!!!

Thank God, my day for today is going very well.



And now, i am typing while my tummy is starving for chicken feet.








6 days before 2013

December 27, 2012

I went to the hospital today, visited my sis-in-law who got typhus, then I brought her daughters to lunch and back to my home. Then at night I went to the cinema with my friend to see Habibie and Ainun movie, the love story about our former President BJ Habibie and his late wife. No time to write? Such an excuse. We all now that we can write whatever, whenever, wherever.  Discipline,  and discipline that all we need.. Write whatever we want. Even just make continues line till the page is covered with doodles.




Don’t have anything to share tonight.

7 days before 2013

December 25, 2012

Now I like to share my printed book that I added to my bookshelf recently.

Chicken Plums by Marjane Satrapi

I didn’t read comics. Because I feel like I can’t enjoy  graphic and writing together. Usually, I read first to the end of the book, then flip back again in the beginning to enjoy the drawing. That’s how I reading comics. The Chicken Plums is the latest graphic novel by Satrapi, after the well-known Persepolis and Embroideries. Have you read Embroideries? It will make you laugh. LOL. I like Satrapi. She was Iranian writer that talk about woman in her country. We all know how women position in Middle East Countries. Not in very lucky situation. But Satrapi can make the reader smile even though we know in reality it hurts  a lot. I highly recommended her books.

Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Haruki Murakami

I bought Norwegian Wood by Murakami couple years ago but I haven’t read it. Then I read the sample of IQ84 and kind of little bit interesting to buy it later. But when I saw one of the local runner said, that her motivation to run is from Murakami’s book-he is a writer plus a marathon runner-What I talk about running when I talk about running, I bought the book. I like it. Even it wasn’t quick reading (it’s not a thick book though), but I really like to feel his words.

Finished the running book, I read Norwegian Wood. But still not interested yet. So when I went to Aksara, found the short stories (I like short stories and always looking the short stories book  from different well-known authors) from Murakami, I grab it fast.

Still reading for the third title.

Oh I forgot. I still have one e-book that I wanna share. The Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. This book is awesome. About a man who looking for his missing wife. The marriage really can make people changed. Being a killer or being a victim. I like the way Flynn describe the character. Just be careful, marriage can be a trap for everybody.

8 days before 2013

December 24, 2012

My Latest Book (1)

Recently, I’ve been reading quite a lot of books. I read couple books in a time, just to shoo the boredom. Soft cover books are always my favorite. The easy-to-grab size, the lightweight, and the smell (and don’t forget the gorgeous cover) never failed me to pick them up from the bookstores. But lately, I’m looking for the e-book. Not because they substitute the printed edition, but I found the gadget is easier to reach around me. Meanwhile, I usually put the pocket books in my bag so I can carry around and read it while I’m waiting, but sometimes I forget to put it back after nighttime reading in my bed, then regret it so much while have to queue somewhere. So, I store some reading materials in my ipod. Yes, I forgot the ipod too sometimes, or I brought book and ipod too, trust me, waiting while doing nothing is sucks.

I wanna share my recently added collection to my ibook library. My digital books came from the ibookstore, kindle or nook (rarely), I usually by the limited-time offer book, so the prices range 0.99-3.99USD. Good deal. Or am looking for the free e-book. Because, to buy like 12.99USD bestseller book in digital, I prefer holding big fat printed book rather than my eeny meeny tiny ipod.

Here is my list. I didn’t put it in an order. I just type the titles that first came in my mind.
1. The Fifty Shades Trilogy (The Fifty Shades of Grey, The Fifty Shades of Darker, The Fifty Shades Freed) by EL James

Almost from trilogy or tetralogy that I read, the first one always caught me more.  I always believe in first impression. The first book make me melting by Christian Grey appearance. Handsome, rich, single, and crazy about you. What do we need more? For me, this book is like Twilight, in adult edition, minus the immortality of vampires and wolves. I really have no idea why this book made it as a no 1 in NYTimes. It must be categorized as erotica or adult books. But since I am an adult, I don’t mind to re-read the first book.

    2. Time Keeper by Mitch Albom

I always love his writing. He wrote so simple but meaningful. And always make me think afterward. How to facing our life in a limited time. What will you do if death is in front of you. But this book is not my favourite amongst the others. Hmm.. makes me want to go to my bookshelf and found the other Albom books. Will do tomorrow.

    3. Beach House by James Patterson.– (Not Read Yet)

Published in 2002, I wanna read this book because recommended by my friend that another fans of Patterson. She read more Patterson books than me, so I agreed to download this.

    4. Thanks For the Memories by Cecilia Aherns– (Am Reading)

5. Bared To You by Sylvia Day.

This must be another erotica trilogy. But I don’t like even though I still want to read the second and third. I don’t like the character, male or female, I don’t know if  Sylvia Day made this story before or after (Fifty Shades came earlier) the EL James,  but you’ll feel the similarities. Except the female role.

    6. Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov

Besides fictions, I like to read non-fiction too. They rich, spoil and shower me with knowledge, Whatever it is, Art, Science, Craft, Management, Economy. I love them all except Politics. Nope, thank you. Just start reading, so no opinion here now.

Just Download

    7. Holiday on Ice  by David Sedaris (actually, his title made me pick this)

8. The Perks of Being Wallflowers by Stephen Chobsky  (curious because there are already in a movie)

Well, that’s all about my recently added book in my gadget. I didn’t put all the list here because,  I still have lot books that I haven’t read. For tomorrow posting, I will share my latest printed books that I bought and read in a last month.

9 days before 2013

December 23, 2012

OK, now I have to stick to my goals. 8 postings in two weeks before New Year.  Tick-tock-tick-tock, time flies and I still haven’t type any letters. ANY. How about the ideas? NOPE. AT ALL. Too bad for me. And….. last week I got bad flu. What I mean bad is, I couldn’t get up from bed. I stayed in my kids room while they were sleeping in my bed. Yeah..i was on quarantine. I didn’t want to giveaway my flu then my boys (that’s including the BIG boy, my husband) will caught the disease.

I didn’t take a shower for couple days. I couldn’t eat.  I couldn’t taste anything, even my coffee L.  My head were spinning all around whilst somebody knock me off with the hammer. Hyperbolic, no? To make it sound better, I’ve got my period, this mean, I had to go to the bathroom every 4 hours to change my sanitary pad.  When I felt like I AM BETTER, I hit the treadmill, remember my #mileaday in 30 days? Then i collapsed the day after. More over, another day I felt better? I went to hair salon, got my hair shampooed because my last washing was 3 days before after running.  And the hot water in the salon was empty. I really wanna shout while I typing this. Because, cold water in your head when you had a headache is SUCKS!!! My fingers nailed into my thighs just to stop the goddamn feeling that rhythm in my head, bang-bang-bang-bang.


I don’t like to go to the doctor. I just take some medicines that I think good enough to make me healthy.  I just don’t know the limit when I shall go to the doctor.  When I feel I still can hold on to it, I would rather go to the doctor. When my first son around 3 months, I got  high fever for a couple days. But I kept drank lot of water and breastfeeding my son. The headache was unbelievable. There was time when I was collapsed while breastfeeding in my bed.  Then my husband took me to the doctor. The doctor said I got Demam Berdarah. Lucky me, I already pass the crisis time in my home. But I had to stay at the hospital for recovery.


Okay. Stop suffering. Enjoying instead. Now with one week left, it means one posting per day. Am gonna make a coffee now, see you tomorrow…

In My Opinion: Bookstores

December 2, 2012

I wish I could live in a bookstore. For me, going to bookstore is like children get lost in the candyshop or toyshop. It really makes me happy and exciting. Books always amuse me. I could stay hour and hour just to browse the title and smell the book and feel the atmosphere. The coffee shop nearby is a plus point. My love for the book had been rise since I was a child. My father was the 1st person that taught me to read, he let me read even I hadn’t go to school yet, he always took me to bookstores. He introduced me how to involve and to love with books. Still in my mind, Pippi the Longstocking by Astrid Lundgren, Little Prairie by Laura Ingalls, not to forget Alfred Hitchcock, Enyd Bliton, and moreover I like Agatha Christie, Sydney Sheldon, and as I become older, i spread my reading-list with John Grisham, Mitch Albom, Paolo Coelho or James Patterson to non fiction books, like Malcom Goldwell’s bestsellers. Not really big fan of comics, found it was too quick to read. I really enjoy the pages after pages thus I like words rather than comics. That’s why I prefer to go to bookstore rather than music store. I still had my old book collection. But now I tried to collect my childhood again. Mostly, they had reprinted and retranslate.

I introduce my reading habit to my sons. They like to read superheroes things, that contrary with me, but I tried to read and listen to them. I read books before they sleep. Their faves is Franklin the Turtle. The books have beautiful pictures. I think, for my eldest, it’s too childish, but he likes it, and that’s the one way to keep me bonding with them.

Well, too bad, we don’t have appropriate library here. Books are quite expensive, and we just cannot afford them all, so we need good libraries to make people like to read. I envy the private library that had such a wonderful collection. But they didn’t open for public.

In my city, we have quite good bookstores. Kinokuniya is the best and have the most complete collection. However, they rarely give special prices. Periplus and Times Bookstores have comfort yet homey atmosphere. For local books, Gramedia is the leader in town. Now they have imported section books too.

When I saw ‘You’ve Got Mail’ movie, starred by Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, I thought, this is what the bookstore must look like, warm, cozy, homey feeling so that every customers would like to stay and browse the bookshelves without being hurried. That is the problem that I face when I visited Kinokuniya. The ‘so many-books-available-here’ made me underpressure and intimidating. Too many books meaning too many choices while too little time to choose.

The bookstore that I found almost close to the bookstore in the movie is Aksara. They have couple branches in Jakarta area, at Kemang, Pacific Place, Plaza Indonesia and Cilandak Town Square. The collections are not complete as the well-known Japanese bookstores, but Aksara’s books are more specific. Despite the owner’s background as an architect, she chooses rarely but ‘to-the-point’ items. If you looking for uncommon books, you can find them here. Aksara also supplies cute and unique stationaries. And in the cookbook area, there were shelves with lovely kitchen utensils that we can pick to accompany our cookbooks.

My latest found in Aksara was the graphic novel (or can we say comic?) by Marjane Satrapi, The Chicken Plum. I like this Iranian women Author. Even though it’s black and white drawing, but it had deep story. And I also picked the Haruki Murakami short stories book, Blind Willow Sleeping Woman.

One of the newest bookstores in Jakarta is The Reading Room, Kemang. I have not had a chance to visit it yet; even I always passed on my way to my parent’s place. The owner, was the founder of the QB Booksore (permanently closed) is the books collector and movie enthusiasm, has generous collection, not just the books but also the movies. While we’re tired of reading, we can have cup of coffee or watch the movie in their mini cinema.

So, what’s your preference Bookstore in town?